Sunday 24 April 2016

Reflections by Melissa on YouTube

Check out my YouTube Channel ...Reflections by Melissa! :)


Mirrors do not, always show through,
The inside of the person looking at you.
Just a surface reflecting back,
The beauty you see, not what you lack.
There are many things a mirror can hide,
Not showing those who have lied.
Some act the part of who they are,
Doing this won’t get them far.
When you look at yourself in the mirror,
Not liking the image, you’ll shed a tear.
A broken mirror shattered to the ground,
With a smashing, clashing, crashing sound.
The looking-glass self is what people see,
Trying to fix it, change and be free.
No more labels, no more fear,
A foggy mirror is not always clear.
Being who people want you to be,
Finally realizing, that’s just not me.
They set a label you play a role,
That’s not how you will reach your goal.
Always know the reflection inside,
Is not the one you’re wanting to hide.
Know who you are so very true,
Believe in the hope and a future so new.

Predisposition of Darkness

Predisposition of Darkness
Predisposition of darkness inside,
Emotionless, abnormal, they’re wanting to hide.
Moral hypocrisy will appear,
Moral integrity not in the clear.
Abnormal of self-interest,
Coming off as being the best.
When there is trauma they have no guilt,
Fear of consequences they have not built.
They have lack of empathy,
Who they are, that’s what they’ll be.
Emotions they can regulate,
So then they can manipulate.
Regulating emotions they will fake,
Other emotions they cannot take.
Socialized pathway as a child so wrong,
They cannot place where they belong.
This dark in them is very cruel,
Not listening to any rule.
Always know you should take flight,
In darkness you will find the light.


Perspective of another you’ll understand,
Understand the feeling you’ll lend a hand.
Lend a hand and you’ll do good,
Doing good like you always would.
Always would from their place,
From their place, hard times you’ll face.
You’ll face what is new to you,
New to you, you will get through.
Getting through the way you feel,
The way you feel will help you heal.
Helping you heal is how you think,
How you think, is how your mind links.
Your mind links and you will find,
Finding thoughts in your mind.
Your mind thinks of how to increase,
Increase positive acts piece by piece.
Piece by piece perspective of another,
Perspective of another you will uncover.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence
Joy is shown with a happy smile,
Positivity is the style.
Laughter also plays a role,
Powerful emotions take a toll.
Surprise is something, sensory highs,
Flaring nostrils and widening eyes.
Feeling startled, doesn’t know,
Understand or where to go.
Anger is when you are upset,
Or how distressed you even get.
Frustrated with what to do,
No control over you.
Sadness appears to shut down fights,
or even respond to one’s flights.
Showing of a depressed heart,
Caring emerges from the start.
Disgust is oriented with one’s food,
Sticking your tongue out when things aren’t good.
It is also what we taste,
What’s at the table where we are placed.
Fear is the last that we display,
Attention to what we pay.
It can be an intense fear of heights,
Or a situation fight or flights.

Monday 18 April 2016



No one ever thinks the same,
It all just seems like such a game.
Guessing about what goes through one’s mind,
Not in the present but in the future you’ll find.
The answers to everything you wanted to know,
Some things should be left to fulfill and grow.
Not everything can be your own way,
Others also have things to say.
No one cares, or that’s how it seems,
In real life or in my dreams.
Where ever I go nothing is real,
I’m not exactly sure how to feel.
Who can I trust and who will I not?
That’s up to me; I’ll decide what I want.
Put trust into those who’ll not deceive,
Only those who’ll help you believe.
Sometimes you just need some space,
Some time to think in your own little place.
A time to just clear your head,
by leaving the past behind instead.
This is just a perspective of things,
The path uncertain in this life brings.



Thinking to myself, unsure of the way,
Imagine going back to the day.
The day that it just went all wrong,
Not knowing, where you would belong.
A peaceful world that we would make,
Friendships’ of others we would not take.
Being friends of others together,
Even through the stormy weather.
Not leaving them to fend on their own,
Making them feel like they’re all alone.
Stopping the violence visible or not,
This is just an imaginable thought.
Trying to not cry myself to sleep,
My pillow soaked with the tears I weep.
Hopefully people will start to be nice,
Not thinking about it more than twice.
This world could be more than good,
If people did the things they should.
Trying so hard to make things right,
In the future a better sight.
Just imagine all of this,
The things that people often miss.
Making clear to others so new,
So they will see the pathway too.

Sunday 10 April 2016

Recommendations :)

Hey Everyone!

If you have any recommendations, thoughts or ideas to add to my blog please feel free! Feedback is always welcome so I am able to make the blogs, poems and youtube videos better! :) I'm still new at this and have been posting for about a week now. I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to look at my poems and hopefully you can relate to them as well.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

New Knowledge Poem You Tube

The Reflexive Self Poem You Tube

Perceptions of Childhood Poem You Tube

Stigma Poem You Tube

Relief Poem You Tube

Praxis Poem You Tube

We All Belong Poem You Tube

The Need to Belong Poem You Tube

Creative Ways Poem You Tube

Saturday 9 April 2016

Flowing Thoughts Poem You Tube



Believe that there is something more,
Out in the world you’re looking for.
Something so significantly mere,
Something you will hold onto dear.
Knowing people who are on your side,
People you trust and those you confide.
When you cry and when you mope,
These friends of yours will help you cope.
Can’t catch your breath and need some air,
They’ll be the ones who truly do care.
The past shapes you, to who you are now,
Negative thoughts you will not allow.
Believe you’re the best you can truly be,
Don’t give up and you will see.
Written by: Melissa Larter

Friday 8 April 2016



How one knows to motivate,
To initiate their lively state.
Features of an action; drives, goals and needs,
Moving and intensity and persistence leads.
Intrinsic motivation, doing a job you love,
Something you are good at and what you think of.
In our perceptions it is that we live,
Plan, reflect, self-regulate and in time you’ll give.
Knowing to move on and progress can be made,
So your doubts and fears will and soon can fade.
What motivates behaviour is optimism and hope,
Always know these feelings will always help you cope.
Instead of being critical, foster self-esteem,
Then it is in your life you will find your dream.
Written by: Melissa Larter

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

Have you Filled a Bucket Today?

You will always find a way,
Of filling your bucket every day.
It can be to help a friend,
Or a compliment you can send.
You can even give a smile,
That will show for quite a while.
When you fill your bucket you show,
All the goodness in life that will grow.
Giving others energy,
So that “me” becomes a “we”.
Let others know that they belong,
Maybe even sing a song.
Let everybody know that you care,
And that friends like you will always be there.
Happiness is just a guide,
To what everyone will feel inside.
With your bucket you will fill,
So others are happy, and they will.
Written by: Melissa Larter